What Is Infusionsoft?

Only the leading sales and marketing software for small businesses, that's all. 🙂  Especially those that are growing fast and need to automate, track and measure complicated business processes. And those that have outgrown basic email autoresponder or contact management systems.  Infusionsoft is a powerful web-based software that combines marketing automation with CRM, email marketing, ecommerce, and work-flow processes all into one system that small businesses don’t have to manually stitch together.

More than 20,000 small businesses use Infusionsoft to convert more leads, grow sales and save time without adding staff. For more information and to view a demo click here.

  • Best Automation Software for Speakers, Coaches, and Trainers

    Infusionsoft was originally created as the marketing automation solution for coaches and speakers. As an expert in your field you rely heavily on being able to capture new client prospects and nurture your relationship with them until they’re ready to buy from you. Putting your marketing and other manual repetitive tasks on auto-pilot is the answer to reaching more people and growing your business faster in the most efficient way. Coupled with CustomerHub, Infusionsoft’s easy membership site add-on, you have everything you need to automatically deliver custom training, ecourses, and other member-only content. Hear what author/speaker/coach, Pam Slim, says about how she’s using Infusionsoft to automate her business.

  • Best Automation Software for Local Service Providers

    If you have a small business that services a local area, whether you’re a small mom & pop business or a large agency or firm with many employees, Infusionsoft was made to help you grow. Setting up automated systems to consistently deliver optimal results gives you the leverage you need to position your business as the gold standard in your field. There’s no need to continually chase after new customers when you’re consistently and systematically building and nurturing relationships with the customer you already have and getting ton’s of repeat sales and referrals as a result.  So much of it can be put on auto-pilot to make sure it gets done and gets done right. Listen to how attorney Dave Hiersekorn uses Infusionsoft’s automation features to stay on top of his law practice when a family tragedy demands all of his attention. Grow faster, grow smarter with Infusionsoft.

  • Best Automation Software for Sales Function CRMs

    Have a sales team to manage and measure activity and results on? Infusionsoft has the built-in tools to do the job and allow you and your sales team to focus more time on selling and less on completing repetitive administrative tasks. A lot steps can be automated and then tracked for results. Those that can’t be automated can at least still be tracked and measured for results. And how great would it be to have all your sales and marketing automation in one place. Imagine having easy and immediate access to your key performance indicators (KPIs). With your sales and marketing living in the same system, data travels at the speed of light and updates on your dashboard instantaneously. You can monitor your sales team activity as a group or drill down to each individual team member. And they too can see and monitor their stats for. Infusionsoft provides up-to-date, reliable data constantly at your fingertips. Learn how Infusionsoft is helping Kelly and Andy Mackensen to nail follow up, out last their lengthy sales cycle, and make more sales.

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